Sunday 18 January 2009

holocaust is getting lamer

Ricky Gervais made an interesting remark during Golden Globe awards. While on stage he joked to Winslet "Told you. Make a holocaust movie & you'll win". True enough. Not that Ricky can predict such outcome. That is too scary and not to mention complete bollocks. Don't think his mental ability can be stretched that far. Assuming he has mental ability to begin with.

Holocaust theme has been one of the most popular choices in Hollywood movie. Most of them received highest cinematic recognition possible e.g. Meryl Streep in Sophie's Choice. She won an Oscar for that. Adrian Brody in The Pianist. He won as well. Schindler's List. Defiance was nominated at Golden Globe. And now Winslet in The Reader. Bottom line is holocaust is a fast track to a Western-applauded movie. Which brings me to my second major point.It is overdone. In all way possible to the point that it is getting lame. OK, Jews suffered horribly under the Nazi regime. So what? Everybody else was too, not just Jews.

I have a better suggestion. Why not make a movie of Jews as Nazi? God forbid they call themselves that but they most definitely do act like one now. NB Gaza, Jerusalem, West Bank, Lebanon. That is a hotter topic. Ain't that cool? Film title like 'Hunted Becomes The Hunter' or 'The Oppressed Oppressing Not The Opressor But The Nearest People They Can Find'. Make one movie on that, you'll definitely topple Godfather as the best film of all time. And Oscar award can kiss your ass. Better yet if you can find some genius IT nerd who can make it a graphic motion of kids burnt alive. Universities will start quoting your name in their IT textbook. Make that movie, and I'll definitely marry you. Even if you're a woman.

Friday 16 January 2009

first entry, first pent up frustration

Welcome lnj. Your first exposé to the virtual world. The blog is a result of lnj's simmering tension over the many vices of the elite and successful. Too cliche, lnj knows but is not great life built upon cliches?
Lnj tries to be positive in outlook but the world makes it a predicament. Hence the blog comes in to save lnj's brain from splattered all over the lecture hall. Or kitchen sink. Or this laptop. Mind you, the warranty has expired.
*Hi, I'd like you to repair this laptop. It doesn't seem to work anymore after my sister went mental. Don't mind the red sticky bit you'll find nestling between the words on the keyboards. Just chuck 'em out. I do*
*What's this red stuff?*
*Oh, the disgusting remnants of my sister's overused brain*
*Gulp* Sorry sir, but the warranty has expired* Hand erratically jabbing the Met's number.
*Damnnn!! (mad at lnj) She should've told me that in the will or something. 2 and half hours of my life I'll never get back. (mad at laptop guy) So much for a queueing system. And you told me that in less than 5 secs. I'll definitely cross over to Mac now!*

See, to save this hypothetical brother from the inside of a congested prison lnj decided to write this blog instead. Well..the bizarre conversation above is not entirely hypothetical. Part of it was drawn from lnj's own pent up frustration & wasted time at Apple Store. She said she would kept it hush hush, but this blog is guessing that she must be boiling underneath. Her way of screaming "Keep your hands off my money!" to Apple.

Till next incident, fellow humans.